Thessaloniki district competition
Thessaloniki, Grece
Competition by Arxellence
Project is city’s fragment integrated into the site and endowed general architectural language. Urban pattern extends in new district, faces industrial buildings and creates new forms resembling coral in the intersection.
The first step is offset of historic buildings. 2nd step is extension of existing streets for forming new perspectives and providing pedestrian access to new district. 3rd step is creation new multifunctional blocks. Functions influence on form, sizes and silhouette of buildings. Thus space diversity, careful integration of new development into existing building, preservation common city scale, new connection between historic buildings, opportunity of continuous walk are provided. Total area of new building is 348 500 m2. New building allows make various landscape: green closed courtyard with columns- peristyle, terraces gardens, green roofs with public access, green patios, open swimming pool, fountains. All building are directed to the sea, providing best views for other buildings by using different buildings heights, niches and through arches.
An analysis of Greek architectural history was made to create unique temporary Greek architectural vocabulary. The main traditional methods are marked: arches, terraces, galleries, internal patios (peristyle), vaults, nature connection, layering of form, complex silhouette, vertical composition in proportioning. Appealing to these methods and using different saturation the image of district with uneven skyline was born. It resembles white coral, sprouted through the historic buildings. The district have usually 3-10 storey buildings, except 140 metres tower - lighthouse of district, meeting guests from the sea.
New life
Space diversity, custom architecture, comfort and person scaled environment, reopened historic pearls, port aesthetic, temporary view on Greek architecture - these all will make the district attractive for residents and business, as well as tourists, wishing to get acquainted with Greek culture and relax comfortably in a world-class city - Thessaloniki.